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Agela Cleanert NANO

Agela Cleanert NANO Description Cleanert NANO was developed base on carbon nanotube material. After functionalized process the nano material has better affinity to remove colorants and fatty acids. An...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert NH2 Aminopropyl

Agela Cleanert NH2 (Aminopropyl) Description Cleanert NH2 products are silica based sorbent bonded with aminopropyl functional group. This sorbent can be used in either normal phase or reversed phase...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PA

Agela Cleanert PA Description Cleanert PA Polyamide cartridge is designed to be used for food coloring detection in different matrix such as food and wine. Liquid sample can be loaded directly and som...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PAE and DEHP

Agela Cleanert PAE and DEHP Plasticizers Detection in Food and Water Food contamination by phthalates has caused considerable hazard to food safety. The most popular used plasticizers are phthalates s...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PAX

Agela Cleanert PAX Description It is designed to overcome the limitations of traditional silica based mixed-mode SPE sorbents such as C18/SAX. It is a RP/strong anion exchange mixed-mode polystyrene/...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PCX

Agela-Cleanert-PCX Description Cleanert PCX is a mixed-mode strong cation exchange sorbent which provides dual retention modes of reversed-phase and cation-exchange. It has high surface area and a wid...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PEP

Agela Cleanert PEP Cleanert PEP is made of polydivinylbenzene on which the surface is functionalized with vinyl pyrrolidone. The material has a balanced hydrophilic and hydrophobic property and can be...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PEP-2

Agela Cleanert PEP-2 Cleanert PEP-2 is made of polydivinylbenzene on which the surface is functionalized with vinyl pyrrolidone and urea. In addition to a balanced hydrophilic and hydrophobic property...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PestiCarb

Agela Cleanert PestiCarb Description Cleanert PestiCarb using graphitized carbon material has been used for sample cleanup in pesticide residues in vegetables and fruits or animal tissues. This sorben...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PestiCarb-NH2

Agela Cleanert PestiCarb-NH2 Description Cleanert PestiCarb/NH2 SPE cartridge is packed with 500 mg PestiCarb and 500 mg NH2. It has been widely used in analysis of pesticide residues esp. for the Jap...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert Pesticarb-PSA

Agela Cleanert Pesticarb-PSA Description Cleanert Pesticarb/PSA is a dual layer SPE tube packed with 500 mg PestiCarb and 500 mg PSA. It was widely accepted by customers for analysis of pesticides res...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PPT- Protein Precipitation Plate

Agela Cleanert PPT- Protein Precipitation Plate Protein precipitation is often used as a fast sample preparation method in bioanaylsis. Protein denaturation with acetonitrile in a centrifuge tube is t...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PRS

Agela Cleanert PRS Description Cleanert PRS SPE sorbent is a silica gel based strong cation exchanger. This sorbent consisting of a propane sulfonic acid has slightly less exchange capability than SCX...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PS

Agela Cleanert PS Description Cleanert PS is made of non-substituted polydivinylbenzene. It has larger surface area (>600 m2/g.) and thus greater capacity than reversed phase bonded silica. Cleaner...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PSA

Agela Cleanert PSA Description Cleanert PSA SPE is similar to Cleanert® NH2. It has two amino groups with pKa = 10.1 and 10.9 respectively. This sorbent is an anion exchanger slightly stronger than Cl...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PWAX

Agela Cleanert PWAX
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert PWCX

Agela Cleanert PWCX Description Cleanert PWCX provides dual modes of retention weak cation exchange and reversed-phase on a stable polymer sorbent which improves the retention for basic analytes. Part...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert S C18 End-capped

Agela Cleanert S C18 (End-capped) Description Cleanert S C18 columns and plates are packed with octadecylsilane bonded silica sorbents. The sorbent is double end-capped and has a high bonding density...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert S C18-N Non-end-capped

Agela Cleanert S C18-N (Non-end-capped) Description Cleanert S C18-N is a type of C18 sorbent bonded to silica without end-capping modification providing extra silanol residuals around the root of alk...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert S C8 Octyl

Agela Cleanert S C8 (Octyl) Description Cleanert S C8 products has less retentive than Cleanert S C18 which accelerates the elution of more hydrophobic substance. Cleanert S C8 is successfully used fo...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SAX

Agela Cleanert SAX Description Cleanert SAX SPE products are packed with silica based sorbent bonded with a quaternary amine. This strong anion exchanger is used to extract compounds capable of carryi...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SAX-PSA

Agela Cleanert SAX-PSA Description Cleanert SAX/PSA is a dual layer SPE tube packed with 500 mg SAX(quaternary amine) and 500 mg PSA. It was widely accepted by customers for analysis of pesticides res...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SCX

Agela Cleanert SCX Description Cleanert SCX sorbent is a strong cation exchanger based on silica gel with benzene sulfonic acid. The sorbent is used to extract positively charged basic compounds or re...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert Silica

Agela Cleanert Silica Description Cleanert Silica use unbonded activated irregular silica as sorbent. This sorbent exhibits high polar interactions and is used to retain polar interference and to pass...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SLE Products

Agela Cleanert SLE Products Supported Liquid Extraction Products Cleanert SLE (Supported Liquid Extraction) plates and cartridges contain a high quality modified diatomaceous earth with an ideal surfa...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SLE-OD

Agela Cleanert SLE-OD Description Bonna-Agela provide commercial diatomaceous column which mentioned in EN 14362-1:2012(E) and 22 kinds of aromatic amine could be detected in textile samples.
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SPE in Glass Tubes

Agela Cleanert SPE in Glass Tubes Description Cleanert glass column series can avoid the residue interference from the plastic tubes and are recommended to be used for trace analysis of food and envir...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert SUL-5

ela Cleanert SUL-5 Description Cleanert SUL-5 (specific columns for sulfonamides) is specially designed for the extraction of five sulfonamides(SM2 SMM SMZ SDM.SQ) in pork.
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert TPH

Agela Cleanert TPH Description Cleanert TPH means triple phases SPE for Herb samples and it is a composite of three types of sorbent with different mechanisms. By mixing different materials together w...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Cleanert TPT

Agela Cleanert TPT (Triple Phases SPE for Tea Leaves) Description Cleanert TPT constitutes three type of materials which employ different mechanisms to get rid of the interferences such as colorants o...
SKU: Agela Cleaner

1 in Stock

Agela Collection Plate and Mat

Agela Collection Plate and Mat
SKU: Agela Collect

1 in Stock

Agela DA-50 plus GC column

Agela DA-50+GC column ● Bonded and crosslinked 50% phenyl backbone 50% dimethylsiloxane phase ● Equivalent to USP phase G3 ● Inert to many active compounds ● Low column bleed to improve detection sens...
SKU: Agela DA-50+G

1 in Stock

Agela DA-PONA GC column

Agela DA-PONA GC column Phase 100% Poly(dimethylsiloxane) cross-linked and bonded USP Code Equivalent to USP G2 G38 Features Solvent rinse-able and high temperature limit Low column bleed inert and ne...

1 in Stock

Agela Durashell C18-AM

Agela Durashell C18-AM Based on a new generation of silica and bonding technologies Bonna-Agela technologies has developed new Durashell C18-AM columns. Firstly silica gel made by inert processing tec...
SKU: Agela Durashe

1 in Stock

Agela Durashell C18-L

Agela Durashell C18-L Main Features ● Excellent pH stability (pH 1.5-12.0) ● Minimal silanol activity ● High loading capacity for basic compounds for preparative requirement
SKU: Agela Durashe

1 in Stock

Agela Durashell C8

Agela Durashell C8 Main Features ● Excellent pH stability (pH 1.5-12.0) ● Minimal silanol activity ● High loading capacity for basic compounds for preparative requirement
SKU: Agela Durashe

1 in Stock

Agela Durashell NH2

Agela Durashell NH2
SKU: Agela Durashe

1 in Stock

Agela Empty Columns and Accessories

Agela Empty Columns and Accessories
SKU: Agela Empty C

1 in Stock

Agela FLEXA Series Detectors

Agela FLEXA Series Detectors

1 in Stock

Agela FLEXA Series Fraction Collector

Agela FLEXA Series Fraction Collector

1 in Stock

Agela FLEXA Series Pump

Agela FLEXA Series Pump

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-624

Agela GC Columns DA-624 ● Bonded and crosslinked specially designed stationary phase for EPA methods ● Mid-polarity ● Inert to many active compounds ● Applications: EPA methods: 501.3 502.2 503.1 524....
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-1301

Agela GC Columns DA-1301 ● Bonded and crosslinked 6 % Cyanopropyl-phenyl 94 % dimethylsiloxane phase ● Equivalent to USP phase G 43 low to mid polarity ● Inert to many active compounds ● Applications:...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-1701

Agela GC Columns DA-1701 ● Bonded and crosslingked 14% Cyanopropyl-phenyl 86% dimethylsiloxane phase ● Low to mid polarity ● Inert to many active compounds ● Applications: pesticides herbiciders halog...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-1MS

Agela GC Columns DA-1MS ● Identical selectivity to DA-1 but with much lower column bleed ● Ideal for GC-MS analysis and first choice of new method development Similar Phases: HP-1MS DB-1MS BPX-1 AT-1M...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-35MS

Agela GC Columns DA-35MS ● Bonded and 35 % phenyl backbone 65 % dimethylsiloxane phase ● Equivalent to USP phase G42 ● Inert to many active compounds ● Low column bleed to improve detection sensitivit...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-5

Agela GC Columns DA-5 ● 5% phenyl 95% methylpolysiloxane bonded and crosslinked ● Non-polar equivalent to USP phase G27 ● Solvent rinseable and high temperature limit ● Wide range of column dimensions...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-CarboWax 20 M

Agela GC Columns DA-CarboWax 20 M ● Polyethylene glycol (PEG) MW 20 000 ● Non-Bonded non-crosslinked phase ● Polar phase equivalent to USP phase G16 ● Replacement of packed columns with Carbowax 20 M...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-FFAP

Agela GC Columns DA-FFAP ● Nitroterephthalic acid modifi ed Polyethylene glycol (PEG) ● Bonded and crosslinked ● Non-alcohol/aqueous solvent rinseable ● High temperature limit ● Polar phase equivalent...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-INNOWAX

Agela GC Columns DA-INNOWAX ● Bonded and crosslinked Polyethylene glycol (PEG) ● Solvent washable ● Highest temperature limits of bonded PEG phases ● Polar phase equivalent to USP phase G16 ● Wide app...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT AI2O3

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT AI2O3 ● Least selective ("polar") aluminum oxide phase ● Deactivated with KCl ● Good baseline separation of most C1 to C10 hydrocarbons ● Olefi ns may co-elute with...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT AI2O3 M

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT AI2O3 "M" ● Strong selective (most "polar") aluminum oxide phase ● Deactivated with Na2MoO4 salt ● Mostly baseline separation of C1 to C10 hydrocarbons goo...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT AI2O3 S

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT AI2O3 "S" ● Good selective (mid "polar") aluminum oxide phase ● Deactivated with Na2SO4 salt ● Excellent baseline separation of C1 to C10 hydrocarbons exce...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT MoleSieve

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT MoleSieve ● Molecular Sieve Zeolite 5A ● Thin and thick coatings for push limit separations e.g. Ar/O2 separation at 35C O2/N2 with 15sec ● Truly immobilized coating and smoot...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT U

Agela GC Columns DA-PLOT U ● Divinylbenzene and Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate copolymer particle polar close to traditional PoraPack U ● Truly immobilized coating and smooth baseline workable for val...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela GC Columns-DA-1

Agela GC Columns-DA-1 ● 100% bonded and crosslinked dimethylpolysiloxane ● Non-polar equivalent to USP phase G2 ● Solvent rinseable and high temperature limit ● Wide range of column dimensions and sta...
SKU: Agela GC Colu

1 in Stock

Agela German ILS Syringes

Agela German ILS Syringes
SKU: Agela German

1 in Stock

Agela Glass Columns

Agela Glass Columns The glass chromatography columns manufactured by Bonna-Agela Technologies are in an enhanced format of column housing. A complete line of high quality sorbents provides unique or b...
SKU: Agela Glass C

1 in Stock

Agela Glass Fiber Syringe Filters

Agela Glass Fiber Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Glass F

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters

Agela Hydrophilic PTFE Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophilic PVDF Syringe Filters

Agela Hydrophilic PVDF Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophobic PTFE

Agela Hydrophobic PTFE
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophobic PTFE Syringe Filters

Agela Hydrophobic PTFE Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophobic PVDF

Agela Hydrophobic PVDF
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophobic PVDF Syringe Filters

Agela Hydrophobic PVDF Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Hydrophobic PVDF Syringe Filters

Agela Hydrophobic PVDF Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Hydroph

1 in Stock

Agela Innoval AQ C18

Agela Innoval AQ C18 The Innoval AQ C18 is made by Bonna-Agela's patented Unisol Technology. This packing demonstrated unprecedented separation performance for compounds with a wide range of propertie...
SKU: Agela Innoval

1 in Stock

Agela Innoval C18

Agela Innoval C18
SKU: Agela Innoval

1 in Stock

Agela Innoval ODS-2

Agela Innoval ODS-2 Innoval ODS-2 has excellent mechanical strength which could be used under pressure up to 6000psi. Its low surface area provide fast separation speed also more tolerance ability for...
SKU: Agela Innoval

1 in Stock

Agela Large Volume Sampling cartridge

Agela Large Volume Sampling cartridge
SKU: Agela Large V

1 in Stock

Agela LC-10F High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Agela LC-10F High Performance Liquid Chromatography LC-10F HPLC system applies the Electrical Dump Control technique to minimize the pulsation and ensures the sensitivity. High flow rate precision are...
SKU: Agela LC-10F

1 in Stock

Agela Mixed Cellulose

Agela Mixed Cellulose
SKU: Agela Mixed C

1 in Stock

Agela Mixed Cellulose Acetate And Nitrate

Agela Mixed Cellulose Acetate And Nitrate
SKU: Agela Mixed C

1 in Stock

Agela Mixed Cellulose Syringe Filters

Agela Mixed Cellulose Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Mixed C

1 in Stock

Agela NV-8G-NV-12G Nitrogen Evaporator

Agela NV-8G-NV-12G Nitrogen Evaporator NV-8G Nitrogen Evaporator is widely used in all kinds of chemical labs. The compact design make it easy to put into fuming hood. Maximal 8 samples for NV8G and...
SKU: Agela NV-8G-N

1 in Stock

Agela NV-96G Nitrogen Evaporator for 96 Well Plates

Agela NV-96G Nitrogen Evaporator for 96 Well Plates NV-96G is designed for small volume elute concentration in drug screening hormone assay biochemical analysis and drug metabolism. This concentrator...
SKU: Agela NV-96G

1 in Stock

Agela NV24A-11 Nitrogen Evaporator

Agela NV24A-11 Nitrogen Evaporator NV24A-II Nitrogen Evaporator has the advantages of large processing capacity environmental protection completely automated operational. It has been used in the field...
SKU: Agela NV24A-1

1 in Stock

Agela Nylon Syringe Filters

Agela Nylon Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Nylon S

1 in Stock

Agela OCTOPUS Purification System

Agela OCTOPUS Purification System

1 in Stock

Agela Optimix C18-Amide

Agela Optimix C18/Amid A mixed-phase of C18 and propionic amide provides unique selectivity which allows extremely polar and non-polar compounds to be analyzed in a single run under isocratic conditi...
SKU: Agela Optimix

1 in Stock

Agela Optimix C18-C8

Agela Optimix C18-C8 Improved performance from a mixed-phase C18/C8 (1:1) column compared to mono-chain C18 or C8 columns Characteristics Pore Size:100 Å; Available Particle Size: 5 μm; pH=1.5-9.0; pH...
SKU: Agela Optimix

1 in Stock

Agela Optimix C18-SCX

Agela Optimix C18/SCX Characteristics Pore Size:100 Å; Available Particle Size: 5 μm; pH=2.0-8.0 optimum pH range of 2.0-6.0 is recommended for better lifetime Main Features ● Mix-phase of SCX and C18...
SKU: Agela Optimix

1 in Stock

Agela Polyethersulfone Syringe Filters

Agela Polyethersulfone Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Polyeth

1 in Stock

Agela Polyethersulfone-PES

Agela Polyethersulfone-PES
SKU: Agela Polyeth

1 in Stock

Agela Polypropylene Syringe Filters

Agela Polypropylene Syringe Filters
SKU: Agela Polypro

1 in Stock

Agela Promosil C18

Agela Promosil C18 Using the silica of high pure and high mechanical strength the Promosil C18 series columns are made with high puremonosilane through Bonna-Agela Technologies' well controlled bondin...
SKU: Agela Promosi

1 in Stock

Agela Promosil C8

Agela Promosil C8
SKU: Agela Promosi

1 in Stock

Agela Promosil Silica

Agela Promosil Silica
SKU: Agela Promosi

1 in Stock

Agela Qdaura Automated SPE System

Agela Qdaura Automated SPE System The Qdaura Automated SPE system is specifically designed for high throughput sample preparation. The system automates routine SPE procedures from conditioning sample...
SKU: Agela Qdaura

1 in Stock

Agela Quick Work-up Cartridges

Agela Quick Work-up Cartridges They are specially designed to replace the conventional aqueous work up procedure such as liquid-liquid extraction as a part of organic synthesis and purification. They...
SKU: Agela Quick W

1 in Stock

Showing 91–90 of 12158 results

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