ลาเบลไวนิล ลาเบลติดรอบสายไฟ Brady rotating vinyl wire labels

SKU: M61RO-427
Product Highlights: Material Number: B-427 (View Technical Data Sheet) For Use with Printer: BMP®61 Label Printer BradyPrinter M611 Mobile Label Printer Color: White/Translucent

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ลาเบลไวนิล ลาเบลติดรอบสายไฟ Brady rotating vinyl wire labels

1.7 in H x 1 in W
2.45 in H x 0.5 in W
2.45 in H x 1 in W
3.85 in H x 0.5 in W
3.85 in H x 1 in W
4.375 in H x 1 in W
4.375 in H x 1.5 in W


Identify your wires from any angle with B-427 Rotating Vinyl Wire Labels. Simply print your labels and then peel, fold and wrap – they’ll rotate freely for easy ID on even closed network connections.

  • Rotates so you can identify your labels from any angle
  • Simply wrap and apply ? there’s no adhesive residue or label parts to cling to your wires
  • Spins freely without anchors so these labels won’t damage your Cat 5 / 6 and fiber optic cables
  • A ribbon is required to print this material. Use Part Number M61-R4310

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โทร 02-101-3454 ,089-006-2766
แฟกซ์ 02-101-3453
Mail. santatech@gmail.com
Line : @santatech
Web : https://santatechnology.com/

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